Guantanamo Museum / Ausstellungskonzept und Publikation
@ IED Moda Lab Madrid
A workshop project in collaboration with the artist Alicia Framis,
the Dutch Embassy (Madrid) and ArtEZ Institute of the Arts Arnhem.
The goal of this workshop in between art & fashion
was to develop individual CURATION CONCEPTS around the this vision:
In a future where Guantanamo prison doesn’t exist anymore
a museum should be build as a societal memento.
How could such a museum look and feel like,
what are possible pieces for the exhibition?
material: orange prisoner overalls
_ conception & visualisation of our curation concept „The Infrastuctures of Power“
_ composing a report for the publication, documenting the workshop.
_ realizing two life-size prototypes of fabric sculptures out of prisoner overalls.
_ developing a group exhibition to present our pieces to the Dutch embassy and the public.
Click HERE to have a look at the booklet that was published about this project.